Search Fields Are Your Friend
It may seem obvious but the search function on Airbnb is the best place to start. You’ll want to narrow your results as much as possible. For me I never want to share a place, so I always click entire place then proceed to narrow it down further. Do you need a pool? Air conditioner? WiFi? Breakfast? Want to host an event? There is a search for that. I even found my wedding venue on Airbnb. It’s possible to include all of those and in the process get rid of a bunch of places you have no interest in. Shoot for the moon. In the same breath, be very specific and realistic. Get rid of all the very cheap options so you’re not sorting through a heap of listings that don’t meet your standards anyway, but also get an idea of how much you’re willing to pay then go a bit higher than that.
Don’t Be Afraid of Zero Reviews
Once you’ve narrowed it down some, look for different ends of the spectrum. You can get a really good “super host” with rave reviews (but likely higher prices) or you can go with a new listing and offer to leave a glowing review if you love the place. Chances are that host will bend over backwards to make you happy so they get a positive review. They are probably even willing to drop the price in exchange for the review.
Not a bad view, right? This Airbnb didn’t have a ton of a reviews and was a bit out of town, but the staff bent over backwards to make sure we had everything we needed. It even came with a welcome massage and a cell phone for our stay. This was helpful when we needed to get back to the villa. We called and they came to pick us up. Talk about service!
Ask And You Shall Receive
Once I get a handful of places that meet my criteria I send them all a message asking for a discount. That’s right. Closed mouths don’t get fed. You will get some no’s, but you’ll probably get a yes too. As an owner with an Airbnb listing I know that in most cases it’s better to have a guest than a vacancy. In your message be sure to compliment them, tell them how much you love the property and what a great guest you’ll be. I always highlight that I’m very quiet and super chill. No owner wants a loud guest or a party, but if you’re up front and honest about what you’re in town for they may be more open to accommodate you.
I really wanted to stay in this place for my honeymoon, but the price was too high. So rather than just accept that, I asked for a big discount and I got it!
Delta Airbnb
What’s better than getting an amazing property for a great price? Getting miles for it. If you have frequent flyer miles with Delta, they will also give you frequent flyer miles for booking an Airbnb through their site.
Are you a first timer to Airbnb? Click here for a $33 credit towards your stay.
I’m always looking to learn more Airbnb tips so if you have one please comment below. Thanks for reading!
Truly finding the perfect airbnb is a difficult task to follow.
Great advice! Thank you. 😁
Thank you so much for sharing fantastic photos and wonderful post with us keep posting.
Thank you for sharing this!